07 March 2011

If Martha Were My Best Friend :)

I'd ask (no, beg) her and her editor Kevin Sharkey to design the pied-à-terre I would love to have in NYC! Their collaboration in transforming his apartment resulted in this very chic, "meticulous-attention-to-detail-as-only-Martha-can-do-it" and glamorous showstopper. Kevin's been working on the home makeover for over a year, and he blogs about it on Martha's blog. You can read about The Big Reveal and get lots of great design ideas (how to choose paint color, how to use mirrors, etc) In case you haven't seen the pictures, take a look.

Pretty nice place to call home, no? What do you think?

Kevin started out by choosing a paint color for
the entire apartment, and went with Martha Stewart's
Heath...keeping the palette subdued so the eye is
drawn to the views

I think those are framed pieces of Japanese
papers...they look great at a super price point...also
note the collection of silver on the left..trés Martha, non?

I'm sure the Buddha wouldn't mind chilling out
with the ipod every now and then!

If you did not already know Martha was involved,
you would when you see the drabware and the
elegant subdued kitchen

an inspiring perch for a little work desk

I love those mirrors marching up the wall from just
above the baseboard...in the entry I think..to great effect!
and those chandeliers came all the way from Florida (I'm
just guessing Miami)

another brilliant use of mirrors...here mirrors gives diners
a view of the outside balcony, and of course, double
the visual space of the room

Kevin's collection of Japanese lacquerware brings a
shot of color to the dining room


  1. What a gorgeous space! I love that the sofa is the same as the walls so that the details and view really pop :)

  2. Such a pretty, nice home!

    O I see the *Provence* is sold out.

    Count down! :-)

    xo Franka


  3. Incredible- the images are so inspirational! It makes me want to tweak my space! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Love this! Buddha so cool too!

  5. Love the place. But just can't bare to see the Buddha with an Ipod....

  6. This is really gorgeous. And I definitely see the influence of Martha. Love it!

  7. I adore the kitchen and the tiles - simply fab.
    And Mr. Buddha rocking on -priceless :)

    A xx

  8. loving the stacks of goodies... how are you my friend???? xo

  9. Subtle, soothing, sophisticate.

  10. Very subtly chic! I love every room!

  11. Après avoir suspendu son activité pendant de longs mois, le laboratoire va pouvoir enfin reprendre ses publications sur son site officiel.


I would love to hear what you think! merci!