01 March 2011

On the Road Again: Palm Springs, California!

What could be more fun than hopping in the trusty Beemer with your sweetie and driving south from San Francisco down I-5, leaving the fog and drizzle behind, cutting over onto the old Route 66 and ending up a few hours later in Palm Springs? Where the sun shines all the time and the Mexican food simply cannot be beat? We had a wonderful trip.

OK, so the average age of the residents hovers around 85 (hey, I feel really young here!). But there is also a hip, young element encamped here in the desert that helped put the mid-century design vibe back on the map.

my good friend Kathy McGuire captured perfectly the spirit of the
California road trip with her painting...
see more of her California vernacular work at her website
and be sure to check out her new blog!

our destination!

one of the many diner stops we made along the way... gotta refuel!

in the high desert Mesa area above Palm Springs is this
stunning modern home nestled among the palms

bold colors and modern pieces
in this Palm Springs design shop..love
the iconic 50's sunburst mirror, of course!

walking the hills I came across this stunning abstract gate and love
the way the sun backlit the pattern

I just liked the way the blue/white pattern of the pillows
worked with the orangey of the cool chairs... and
the white coffee table is adorable too

love the pattern of the pyracantha bushes espaliered along
the front wall of this hacienda in the hills

perfect example of 50's modern architecture in
southern California, Case Study House No. 22 in
glass and steel was designed by Pierre Koenig
in the late 1950's and is outside LA

simple landscaping so typical for the area just
looks amazing to me

this wonderful mid-century style lamp
is the design shop's best seller!

on my ramble I wandered up the driveway to
the gate of the Sonny Bono estate... the only
reason I knew that was a friendly neighbor
taking a walk nearby told me.. four dwellings
on the property now selling for $4 m


did we eat a "few" tacos along the way? ummm...yess..but
to make up for it, check out this yummy Mexican
fruit salad...perfect with any grilled anything!

Mexican Fruit Salad with Chili Powder*

Choose 1, 2, 3 or more fruits and/or vegetables—here are some that work well:

cantaloupe or other melon
cucumber or fresh pickles
lime juice
chili powder
salt, to taste

Prepare the fruit. Slice up the fruits [and vegetables, if you're using them]. For the salad you see here, I used pineapple, mango, watermelon and cucumber. Slice them into big chunks and spears—this is street food, often eaten with your fingers. You can make the salad ahead, up to this point, and chill the fruit until you’re ready to serve.

Assemble the salad. Place the fruit in a large, shallow bowl. Squeeze lime juice over it [for a generous salad for two, I used the juice of one lime]. Season generously with salt and chili powder. Stir gently with a rubber spatula to avoid damaging fruit and taste. You’ll probably want to add more chili powder; keep adding, stirring and tasting until you pick up the flavor of the chili powder and a little heat. Add as much chili powder as you and your dinner guests can comfortably take—that’s a key part of this salad’s charm. Serve immediately.

recipe from Blue Kitchen


"hasta luego" from moi & Mr. CP!


  1. If you have a chance to hit some of the consignment/thrift shops in PS, lots of mid-century treasures to be found!

  2. This is the third time I've read about Palm Springs this week, it's really making me want to go there. I love all the orange featured in this post.

  3. Hi Deja, the consignment shops are wonderful there..but the car was too small to carry much home!

    :) Kit

  4. It's such a *happymaking* post with lovely colours!



  5. Palm Springs is one of my favorite destinations. Haven't been in a while and this is really tempting me to go. Looks like a great trip, and I've got to try that recipe. Looks absolutely delicious. I'm continuing my bath series with lots more yummy images you might be interested in. Thanks for your comment on the Powder Bath. Have a great day. Mona

  6. I am in awe of the garden design photographs! Your friends painting is lovely.

  7. It's been a long time ago but I was there and took that scary ride, got sick. Those are some fantastic homes have a great time.
    I like the Painting too.


  8. Dearest Kit .... LOVE road trips they are the best! I have never been to Palm Springs but I can feel the heat and desert air from here! I believe long drives (and we certainly have great distances here like you guys do in the States is perfect for long talks and getting to know each other again!) So lovely to see the picture of you and your Mr CP! You both are gorgeous! I am definitely going to try the Mexican fruit salad. Kit have the best time ever and maybe next time you could plan a trip down under!
    best wishes and hugs always

  9. Oh, you had such a great time, beautiful photos.

  10. Kit I love Palm Springs and went often when I lived in San Diego.

    I bet you are getting excited about your trip!!! So wish...well you know!

    Do come and enter my Artful Offering!

    Art by Karena

  11. Salut Kit, that trip sounds so great and I love all the colours in your photos - colour is something we could really do with here right now... Love from London xo

  12. Palm Springs? Definitely! That house in Mesa area above Palm Springs looks like the house from the Mr. Bean: Ultimate Disaster Movie in 1997. LOL. The best beach houses and resorts can only be found around Miami and California. Well, at least for me. My favorite type of roofing I found last summer vacation is glass. It's very refreshing and elegant.

  13. Great post! Love your writing and love Palm Springs!

  14. Palm Springs is a world all unto itself and you have captured it wonderfully...as usual.

  15. Authentic Provence will awaken all your senses with its most complete and genuine collection of the most distinctive French garden antiques and home décor the Mediterranean has to offer, carefully chosen by its owner an appassionato European art historian.
    Authentic Provence reflects an intimate portrait of (the south of) France where the outdoor living is saturated with the most refined yet simple garden antiques (savoir faire). Visit www.authenticprovence.com for more information.

  16. WOW!!! LOVE all the COLOUR!!!! FAB!!!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!