16 November 2013

Of Course it is Autumn in California...

Can't you see the leaves in the swimming pool? The blooms on the cactus? How happily the bougainvillea clambers and flowers? How the "shrubs-whose-name-I-always-forget" takes on its wintry red top leaves?

The morning shadows are long and low across the lawn. The oranges on the trees begin to change from green to brilliant orange. The palm trees grow their golden fruit.

Fallen leaves blanket the sidewalks and all the houses in the neighborhood take on the cozy, welcoming look of mugs of hot chocolate and warm UGGS boots by the fire. Well, sort of. If you squint you can imagine a little frost appearing on the lawns...

We love walking through the neighborhood in the morning and this is what we saw today!

a neighbor's palm grows those golden date-like things

...while oak leaves inundate our swimming pool...

...Tom's cactus actually blooms (yes that is a flower!)..

..and the brilliant Harvard botanist's yard has a cactus blooming long,
hanging red blossoms just inside the courtyard...

...Tom will have to remind me the name of his gorgeous ruby-red shrubs... they are green
most of the year except fall....

...his bougainvillea is thriving up the wall....

...and more of those ruby shrubs look gorgeous in front of the white 1906 house...

...and their orange tree looks quite healthy... notice how they 
planted it just a bit too far back from the sidewalk 
so that you can't accidentally pick one as you pass by? :)

the botanist's blue climbers are vigorous at this time of year....

and the lariope grows huge as November marches on...

...shadows are very very long across the lawn for 8:30 am....

such an adorable bungalow, grey, white and lots of green...

the curving pathway leads past the hydrangea gone autumnal...

and there are the pumpkins and autumn wreath to greet visitors...

while Thelma's house is one of my favorite of all bungalows....here looking all falling leaves...

another we call the Frank Lloyd Wright house... with it's autumn garden and that porch!

...while the mission house looks kind of disheveled with leaves and rubber plants gone wild..

...the little Japanese maple is dwarfed by our neighborhood white oaks....

and the ginger is blooming at the "Tommy Bahama" house!

Hope you enjoyed your walk around our neighborhood this gorgeous fall day!


The Chic Provence Design Tour is selling quickly! 
I can't wait for YOU to come with us and
share this amazing place!

see details and what happy guests have to say:
download registration forms here 

We quickly sold last year so let me know right away 
if you you would like me to hold a space for you!

skype me: kitgolson
call or text me:  650-302-6883


  1. What a special treat - so so different than our autumn.....those beautiful houses and all that garden life is awesome. Really enjoyed this post. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Hi Michele, yes I have lived in the South, the Northeast and the Midwest... and autumn out here in California definitely walks to the beat of a different drummer! thanks for visiting

      xo Kit

    2. Thanks for the tour, such a beautiful neighborhood. When I see pics such as these, I miss my California days.

  2. What a beautiful neighborhood. I enjoyed the charm, "and" the nicknames.

    1. HI Dreams, thanks for the visit.. as long as we have been here, almost 20 years, we still love this neighborhood... happy week to you!

      xo Kit

  3. Hello Kit!
    You live on a very beautiful place on earth ....
    Thanks for these gorgeous photos!
    I wish you a dreamy week!
    With love,

    1. Dear Geli you are so kind to stop by!... hope your week is wonderful... I'll hop over to see what you are up to... bisous...

      a bientôt! Kit


I would love to hear what you think! merci!