18 November 2013

{ Sunday Drive }

We love to get in the car and just wander. Sunday we thought we were headed for Sonoma, to see the vineyards in harvest time, have lunch and of course visit all the antiques markets... but halfway over the Golden Gate Bridge, we decided to head to West Marin, away from the crowds, to Nicasio and to Pt. Reyes National Seashore. Great call! Chris took all these amazing photos and I'd love to share them with you!

How was your Sunday drive?

Old St. Mary's Church in Nicasio, CA

Tomales Bay looking south

abandoned old boat on Tomales Bay

a Tule elk saunters across the sunny but dried meadow,
oblivious to us a few hundred feet away

Nicky was fascinated by the huge creatures with
branches on their heads... where are the squirrels??

looking down on Drake's Beach, southward

no doggies allowed so I had to carry Nicky around!

all photos by my husband Chris Golson


The Chic Provence Design Tour is selling quickly! 
I can't wait for YOU to come with us and
share this amazing place!

see details and what happy guests have to say:
download registration forms here 

We quickly sold last year so let me know right away 
if you you would like me to hold a space for you!

skype me: kitgolson
call or text me:  650-302-6883


  1. Dear Kit!
    What a lovely walk in this beautiful landscape ...
    And how beautiful you are with your cute dog!
    Thanks for the joy to see your photos!
    I wish you a wonderful week!
    With love,

    1. Hi Geli thanks for visiting! hope all is well in your part of the world... keep in tough through the winter!
      bisous Kit

  2. Love the picture of the sunken ship. So tragic and pretty!

    1. That's exactly it... tragic yet pretty... it was a compelling sight to see, we walked pretty far to get a shot at this sunken boat... thanks for visiting Brittany!

  3. Dear Kit, what a wonderful way to spend a Sunday! Your husband is an amazing photographer.

    The Arts by Karena

    1. Hi Karena it was a wonderful Sunday drive, and Chris loves to takes photos... I'll pass along the compliment... have a wonderful Thanksgiving bisous Kit

  4. We love to put the top down on the car and cruise along the coast. One of our favorite road trips was up highway 1 to Mill Valley with friends for the first night. Then a slow drive along the coast to Mendocino. I wish we had seen that boat in Tomales Bay. My husband is a professional artist and that would be a perfect subject. On that trip we did find a fantastic old truck in a vineyard in the Anderson Valley.

    1. Hello Art&Sand... it sounds like you are in our area! the boat is over on the road to Inverness... off Hwy 1... you turn west just before Pt. Reyes Station... but your husband can paint it from this photo if he wants... :) a bientot!


I would love to hear what you think! merci!