05 September 2014

Enjoy Your Weekend!

Although summer is not officially over, doesn't it always feels different when the kids go back to school and the mood changes from flip flops in the sand to new school shoes and uniforms, yellow school busses and notebooks. 

For us in Northern California, however, the real summer is just beginning, as the summer chill begins to dissipate and we have warm sunny weather for a glorious couple of months, before the rains (hopefully, we are in a drought) begin for the winter.  

Here's wishing you a weekend like the one we had last week... lazy mornings in our garden then a romp on the "Disneyland for Dogs" beach in San Francisco with Nicky, our little Portuguese Podengo, who ran himself silly and dug a hole in the sand to cool himself off:)

our favorite spot for morning coffee...

...with this view of our garden, newly planted with drought-resistent baby plants...

...then a trek down to the beach over the hills and cliffs...

...where we are not the only dog lovers with the same idea today!

the Pacific Ocean is usually way too cold for swimming, but today I felt
like I could dive in and swim to the Farrallons....

beautiful waves on this treasure of a beach...

and here's Nicky with Chris in the cool spot he dug for himself after running literally
a couple of miles with all the other dogs, into and out of the water, catching
balls, sticks and frisbees... you can tell by his eyes how tired he is! he slept all 

the way home and the rest of the day!

Bonne Weekend!


Download brochure here

If you have any questions at all, 
I'd love to chat!

email kitatkitgolson.com 

or call me +1-650-302-6883
pacific time zone

I cannot wait to see your smiling face when you arrive
at your Provençal home and experience the joy
of the Chic Provence Design Tour!


that's me, happily contemplating 
meeting YOU
in Provence in 
spring 2015!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kit have a great weekend. We are finally having some cool, crisp weather after torrid heat. Not that summer is over, there will be plenty of hot days in September. Enjoy!

    The Arts by Karena


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