08 September 2014

{ The Perfect Weekend }

What could be better than shopping, lunching & laughing with your daughter all Saturday, having dinner with a dear friend then topping off the weekend prowling the Alameda Flea Market/Antiques Fair with a wonderful friend you haven't seen in months? All the while with weather to die for...perfect temperature and not too sunny, not too foggy. I had such a great time... come along for some of the things we saw...

There was definitely a blue & green trend showing in the stalls... fresh greens of every hue were worked into displays, and lots of blues showed up everywhere. This is not your ordinary flea market...vendors come from all over, including Europe. Many have shops back home and the merchandising can be stunning at this market.  Or it could just be they used colors that go best with that incredible blue sky in the last shot!

Download brochure here

If you have any questions at all, 
I'd love to chat!

email kitatkitgolson.com 

or call me +1-650-302-6883
pacific time zone

I cannot wait to see your smiling face when you arrive
on the Chic Provence Design Tour!


that's me, happily contemplating 
meeting YOU
in Provence in 
spring 2015!


  1. Great shots Kit!
    Love the greens!
    Maybe next month we can meet up :)

    1. Hi Terri, yes we'll have a great time in October..put it on the calendar! xo Kit

  2. Que tantas coisas lindas. Meu sonho é ir numa lugar assim comprar coisas antigas. Aqui não existe mercado de pulgas.
    Tenha uma ótima semana.

    1. gracias Minha ... ven aquí conmigo al mercado de pulgas el mes que viene! besos Kit

  3. I have wanted to go to the Alameda Flea Market for a couple of years, we live just far enough away we have to plan to go, hotel and all. Now that I see your pictures, we are going next month for sure. Have a lovely weekend. Rié | Portobello Design Blog

  4. Hi Rie give me a shout, I'll be there too! Thanks for visiting! Xo Kit


I would love to hear what you think! merci!