could anything be more appealing than
this beautiful chioggia beet?
The Duveneck family were on the side of the angels a long, long time ago. In 1924 they established a self-sustaining organic farm as an educational center and invited multi-racial children to the summer camps they started in 1945. This is the incredible legacy and mandate for Hidden Villa today.
It was an honor to head the Decorating Committee for the annual Humanitarian Awards Dinner for 350 tented outside under the stars this last weekend in the hills west of Palo Alto, California.
With an almost non-existent budget for decorations, we naturally turned to the Farm itself as a source to interpret this year's theme, Deep Roots, New Shoots, and used our own farm-grown products: olive tree branches, chioggia beets, organic carrots, sunflowers, zinnias, amaranth for the centerpieces. We asked the board members, staff and decorations committee to collect old bottles. We were able to use those as single-stem-vases, jumping on that hot trend. A cornstalk turned roots-up became a holder for the table numbers.
Plan to join us next year! and in the meantime, be sure to visit Hidden Villa, in person or online. You will be impressed and grateful to know there is an organization that cares so deeply about our culture, our children, and our mother earth.
And, you can get fresh, organic vegetables every week next summer if you sign up early enough!
the theme: Deep Roots, New Shoots inspired us
to use farm produce in the centerpieces

the big tent the afternoon before the dinner

tables are just about ready for the evening festivities
our artistic "melange" of farm-grown
flowers and vegetables;
we wanted a simple presentation
we notched the upturned cornstalk and
let the roots anchor the centerpiece while
holding the table number

the second tent looks so cool and inviting before
we set up the silent auction items
A Little Tour Around

a pathway leading to the old stagecoach stop

the old stagecoach house now houses summer interns
from all over the world

a peaceful, pastoral scene

the Duveneck residence built in 1924, now center
for Hidden Villa staff and events, including weddings!

the roadway meanders through the farm pastures,
gardens, buildings with gorgeous views all around

gorgeous zinnias grown on the farm!
{from Kit}