Showing posts with label organic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organic. Show all posts

28 September 2010

Hidden Villa: Humanitarian Awards Dinner

could anything be more appealing than
this beautiful chioggia beet?

The Duveneck family were on the side of the angels a long, long time ago. In 1924 they established a self-sustaining organic farm as an educational center and invited multi-racial children to the summer camps they started in 1945. This is the incredible legacy and mandate for Hidden Villa today.

It was an honor to head the Decorating Committee for the annual Humanitarian Awards Dinner for 350 tented outside under the stars this last weekend in the hills west of Palo Alto, California.

With an almost non-existent budget for decorations, we naturally turned to the Farm itself as a source to interpret this year's theme, Deep Roots, New Shoots, and used our own farm-grown products: olive tree branches, chioggia beets, organic carrots, sunflowers, zinnias, amaranth for the centerpieces. We asked the board members, staff and decorations committee to collect old bottles. We were able to use those as single-stem-vases, jumping on that hot trend. A cornstalk turned roots-up became a holder for the table numbers.

We were thrilled to witness the incredible honorees Chris Bischof & Helen Kim, Eboo Patel, and Susan, Franklin, Katherine, David & Katy Orr receive the distinguished Humanitarian Awards that evening over our farm-cultivated gourmet feast and fine wines.

Plan to join us next year! and in the meantime, be sure to visit Hidden Villa, in person or online. You will be impressed and grateful to know there is an organization that cares so deeply about our culture, our children, and our mother earth.

And, you can get fresh, organic vegetables every week next summer if you sign up early enough!

the theme: Deep Roots, New Shoots inspired us
to use farm produce in the centerpieces

the big tent the afternoon before the dinner

tables are just about ready for the evening festivities

our artistic "melange" of farm-grown
flowers and vegetables;
we wanted a simple presentation

we notched the upturned cornstalk and
let the roots anchor the centerpiece while
holding the table number

the second tent looks so cool and inviting before
we set up the silent auction items


A Little Tour Around

a pathway leading to the old stagecoach stop

the old stagecoach house now houses summer interns
from all over the world

a peaceful, pastoral scene

the Duveneck residence built in 1924, now center
for Hidden Villa staff and events, including weddings!

the roadway meanders through the farm pastures,
gardens, buildings with gorgeous views all around

gorgeous zinnias grown on the farm!

{from Kit}

01 October 2009

These Pumpkins Are Too Glam For Words!

But they weren't always that way.

When all sixty of them arrived in a big brown box, disheveled and shaken up in the truck ride over the hills from Half Moon Bay, you could almost hear the indignation, stamping off dust and straightening up their stems before looking around to see just where on earth they had been so rudely carted off. Harrumph!

Lined Up and Waiting
the Day Before the Big Event

"What is the Meaning of All This...
and *sniff*..a WATERMELON Box??"

There was almost an audible sigh of relief when they learned that they had been brought in to the very lovely Hidden Villa in Los Altos Hills for starring roles as centerpieces for the annual fundraising dinner with 375 esteemed guests. (Those olive groves...are we in the south of France??)

Follow along as we watch their transformation into gilded, cradled, and, dare we say pampered, petites choux!

The Entry Sign Alongside the Olive Groves

The Tent Set Up Awaiting 35 Tables and 350 Guests

Centerpieces Starring the Humble Pumpkin
the Day Before the Big Event

Amazing How a Little "Bling" Can Even Make a Pumpkin Smile!

This Little Pumpkin Looks Quite Contentedly Cradled

The Big Night: Centerpieces Starring the Humble Pumpkin
on the 35 Tables for Ten Guests Each

The Fence at the Dana Center, Hidden Villa

The dinner was a huge success, raising funds and creating goodwill for this wonderful nonprofit center of sustainable and organic farming 40 miles south of San Francisco. I was happy to design this event for such a uniquely worthwhile venture. Hidden Villa's mission as a nonprofit educational organization is to use organic farm, wilderness and community to teach and provide opportunities to learn about the environment and social justice.

Please visit Hidden Villa to become involved or to make a donation! And if you live in the Bay Area, go visit, bring your kids. You'll love it!

Your Mother Earth will thank you, and those little pumpkins will not have dressed to the "nines" in vain!


Kit Golson Design

for elegant, sustainable and pragmatic

Chic Provence Interior Design


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