Meet me there! well, actually I will be there in spirit only. It seems the best auctions in Provence all happen in the fall.... which is one reason why I want to plan a Chic Provence Design Tour for the fall. It's an irresistible time to be there!
If you are lucky enough to be in Provence this Sunday, head over to the Château de Sanilhac near Uzés... preview Saturday October 29 from 11 am until 6 pm. Auction begins at 2:30 pm Sunday October 30. After a long leisurely Sunday lunch and game of boules, let's head on over and see what treasure await us there!

charming little round mirror framed in carved wood

this rare silver "confiturier" (jam pot) with two pigeons
on the top is one of many stunning silver pieces
at the auction

a perfectly Provençale piece, the "panetiére" in
walnut once hung on a kitchen wall and held
the daily bread safely away from animals and other pests

beautiful Directoire era day bed in walnut will go
for about €1000... don't you wish you were there
to snag this one??

Ecole française painting from the
Restoration epoch, €800 or so

this golden bronze clock has Cupid reminding
us that time is fleeting... take love while you can!

the head of Christ carved in stone

a stunning pair of griffons in clay from
the XIXe century, about €4000

called a "frame with the shape of a gendarme's cap" this
little wooden charmer will go for about €200

this ecole française painting of a French soldier
beginning of XIXe century makes me smile

one of a set of 8 utterly charming lacquered
wood Provençale chairs

this Picasso ceramic from mid-century Vallauris
can be yours for perhaps €1000 or so... an original,
bien sûr!

how would you like this inkwell on
your desk? at €10,000, un peut chér!
thanks for visiting! Kit