Although it was a few weeks ago, I can still feel the excitement I felt when I uncrated my treasures when they arrived from Provence. When the shipper called (finally!.. I had been waiting for months!) I made quite sure to be home the day and appointed hour of the arrival of these huge shipping crates... and was as excited as I get at Christmastime!
Here are my wonderful brocante finds from l'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue... frankly, it's not a lot, but it is packed as if it were an art treasure from the Louvre!

here are all three jugs... aren't they beautiful? I love the
original pear shape, and the last one still has the vestiges
of the red wine that was stored in it... beautiful relics of
a long ago time in Provence

yes, if you look closely, you will see that the tag is
still on the jug from the flea market... and yes, it
cost only 45 euros! or about $60... incredible price!

next box contained the 11 vintage Minton china luncheon plates I
found at the flea market; here they are wrapped and packed
within an inch of their lives!

these stunning plates (OK, I'm a plate-aholic:) are each with
a different pattern, and all exquisitely hand-painted... I really think
they are quite beautiful, and since I found them at the end
of the flea market, I was able to get them for 80 euros, instead of
the original 500 euros the vendor was asking!
Are they stupendous?

yep, this very large well-constructed crate carried
three glass jugs and 11 luncheon plates from France
to my backyard with nothing broken... the crates
have since been recycled for a local Woodside
production of South Pacific... perfect, non?
What do you think of my treasures?
Come with me next time... I'm
planning another trip in Spring 2012..
details to follow!

then, just to keep the fun coming, I received my order for these
beautiful, smooth white linen euro pillow covers from
artful packaging!

the cases are truly wonderfully linen, smooth and cool to
the touch; here I have them in one of our salles des amis
to be enjoyed by our next house guest!

I think I could just curl up right here with a good book
and let the world pass me by for a few hours... these
pillows are so sumptuous and inviting now!
You can order from Tricia these amazing all linen bedclothes:
duvets, pillow slips, sheets... as well as table cloths, curtains and napkins...
be sure to visit her wonderful website... you
will love whatever it is you order from her... I've seen it all!
PS Tricia was featured in Martha Stewart Living!
PPS Tricia lives right on the water (north San Francisco Bay inlet)
in a very charming cottage she has
decorated in an amazingly refreshing way... I will be doing a
blog post about her home soon!
Merci pour la visite!.... Kit