When the gods amuse themselves for a couple of weeks by hurling thunderbolts and firesticks your way, you need to retreat to rustic peace. For us, that means driving 15 miles due west, to the Pacific Ocean, to a hideaway where we love to pause and regroup.

The Front Approach

A Welcoming Room

The Back Garden

Original Zoological Study Print, Plover Eggs, ca. 1840

Sea Urchins, ca. 1795

Japanese Amaryllis Print, ca. 1885

Wonderful German Woodblock Print

Inviting and Sheltering Yellow Linen Bed
We hike through the cypress forest on the bluffs high above the seal cove, we make a fire to chase away the coastal chill, we sip wine and listen to jazz/blues. We feast on local seafood. We murmur approvingly over the collection of original woodblock prints. We explore the lavender garden and feed the bunny rabbits. We zone out.
Then before long, we lift our heads up, raise our fists to the skies. We are ready.
Bring on the thunderbolts....the gods are no match for us after a bit of coastal therapy!